World leaders called for urgent and innovative investments to help rural communities in the world's poorest countries adapt to climate change. It is essential to reimagine biodiversity conservation with innovative solutions for governing telecoupled systems transparently and effectively. While protecting the rainforests sounds like a daunting task, there is a lot you can do to promote and preserve local biodiversity at home. Using innovative loans to help preserving forestry with the potential for carbon sequestration can support biodiversity into the future and promote ecosystem resilience to climate change. These could be debt conversions to investment in climate adaptation and nature conservation programmes, or . Notably, by tackling harmful subsidies and implementing innovative financing mechanisms and economic policies, governments can play a pivotal role in reducing destructive practices and catalyzing additional financing from the private sector. 08:30 AM. INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES AND SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION 1. . While often treated separately, biodiversity loss and climate change are related and mutually reinforcing problems. Large industrial farming causes a decline in bird diversity, a new study led by the . The Consortium looks for innovative ways to investigate biodiversity and explore solutions to loss of biodiversity as humans continue to interact with the biosphere. The World Bank's webinar series " Bringing Nature to Cities: Integrated Urban Solutions to Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change " will promote integrated urban solutions for cities to tackle biodiversity loss and . The group invites you to share unique, innovative and/or transformative policy-related ideas to advance efforts in addressing loss . Figure 1. Solutions to Biodiversity Loss: What You Can Do to Reduce it. Research increasingly shows that nature can play a critical role in helping us tackle some of these urban environmental challenges such as stormwater management, pollution reduction and climate resiliency. and implementing innovative solutions to the issue of the loss of biodiversity. The panelists discussed opportunities and challenges in achieving an equitable, nature-positive and carbon-neutral future, and the role of cities in bending the curve away from biodiversity loss and . These include tracing product flows and unmasking their impacts on biodiversity along supply chains and beyond, enhancing awareness of telecoupled impacts, incorporating the cost of biodiversity loss . When. Scientific Literacy - Early Life on Earth - Animal Origins. The most direct threats are overharvesting and loss/disturbance of habitat resulting from conversion of natural ecosystems to human use (thick red arrow). Some cities have understood the opportunities that addressing biodiversity loss and climate change present and have shown leadership in developing innovative solutions. ; Innovate to adapt to extreme weather conditions in the medium term, while anticipating the future imbalances and disruptions . Advances in research and innovation will support achieving policy targets, developing nature-based solutions and holistic approaches to address the main direct and indirect causes of biodiversity loss. Repair, adapt and transform. In the context of major global mobilizations to protect biodiversity, aiming to support the new objectives to protect the planet and given the many challenges affecting the Mediterranean region (including climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and pressure on natural resources) - the organizations MedWet (the Mediterranean Wetlands . The The recognition that human, econom ic and natural well-being are inextricably linked requires David Suzuki. Rising temperatures and other climate impacts have seriously altered the composition, function, and structure of many ecosystems and species, some irreversibly. Where. Today, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew unveils its new Science Strategy 2021 - 2025, setting out a series of ambitious commitments to urgently help stop biodiversity loss and accelerate understanding of the potential of plants and fungi to help address challenges such as food insecurity, climate change and deforestation. The good news is that we can do many things to reduce this loss. Current news, information and issues related to the environment. UNESCO's strategy for biodiversity is implemented in its designated sites. Wool production. The ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) drafted by the United Nations seem unrealistic, at best, when they call for an halt to biodiversity loss by 2030. Reducing the amount of water you use, by having a 5-minute shower or not running the water when washing up the dishes, can help protect vital wetlands. However, cities don't need to have a destructive impact on nature and biodiversity. The order also sets a first-in-the-nation goal to conserve 30 percent of the state's land and coastal water by 2030 to fight species loss and ecosystem destruction. This comprehensive report brings this knowledge to the forefront, demonstrating that biodiversity loss, ecosystem degradation and ill health often share common threats and pointing toward innovative, The Mediterranean Consortium to protect Biodiversity. Photo by: Mohammad Ponir Hossain / Reuters The . Over 10 million km², roughly 6% of the earth's landmass, is already under one or more UNESCO designation, through its 1,121 World Heritage sites (including 252 natural and mixed sites and 114 cultural landscapes 1 ), its 714 Biosphere Reserves 1 and its 161 Global . Introduction. Glacier retreat; Sea level rise and salinization; Desertification. To protect the iconic wildlife we all love, we must rebuild the web of biodiversity that supports it. The Living Planet Report estimates that we have lost 57 percent of biodiversity since 1970, and we stand to lose 68 percent by 2020. Local, regional and global threats could have severe consequences for the future survival of many species and the provision of ecosystem services.<br>In the face of myriad pressing environmental problems, we carried out a research prioritisation exercise involving 64 . Worldwide, 193 other countries have developed forms of a national biodiversity strategy. "Climate change, environmental degradation and biodiversity loss represent an immediate threat for natural resources, as well as for the lives and livelihoods of rural people," he said. To protect the iconic wildlife we all love, we must rebuild the web of biodiversity that supports it. Plant scientists are also working to help conserve by developing crop varieties that use less water. The Climate & Nature (CN) team lead on FFI's ambition to deliver high quality, locally appropriate Nature-based Solutions to climate change that enable thriving biodiversity, empowerment of, and benefits to, local communities, and clear climate benefits. Comments on: 9 Innovative Solutions to Biodiversity Loss . Policies to tackle both problems are clearly needed, but siloed approaches continue to dominate proposed solutions . The ocean as a solution to global changes Researchers are responding to the challenge with technologies designed to stem and reverse the damage. Urban Nature: How to Foster Biodiversity in World's Cities. "The twin crises of the climate emergency and biodiversity loss require rethinking and redesigning the ways we invest in our economies and natural assets," said Jennifer Morris, Chief Executive Officer at The Nature Conservancy. "Biodiversity loss presents profound risks to human prosperity and well-being. Investors can play an important role in reversing biodiversity loss and preserving ecosystems by actively investing in companies that provide solutions to these challenges. Seeking New Solutions To Environmental Problems. We rely on it for food and energy, and we depend on its irreplaceable role in sustaining air quality, providing fresh water and soil, and . The webinar series was launched at a high-level event, Pathways to Integrated Urban Solutions for Climate Change & Biodiversity Loss, on Thursday, September 16, 2021, from 8:30-9:30 am ET. Subject Guide - Plant Collections & Citizen Science. Together with its key partners, the Lab is exploring four innovative solutions to tackle the waste management challenges in Libya: 1. The Sarayaku were selected by an independent Technical Advisory Committee as one of 10 winning communities from over 600 nominations. "Biodiversity loss presents profound risks to human prosperity and well-being. SOLUTIONS TO BIODIVERSITY LOSS During the presentation of the UN report in 2019, the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Audrey Azoulay, urged action with these words: "We can no longer destroy the diversity of life. What can youths and schools do to conserve biodiversity? Notably, by tackling harmful subsidies and implementing innovative financing mechanisms and economic policies, governments can play a pivotal role in reducing destructive practices and catalyzing additional financing from the private sector. So here are 9 innovative solutions to biodiversity loss that will hopefully help us with this challenge. First, achievement of the SDGs is predicated upon healthy biodiversity and ecosystems. Biodiversity is threatened by a variety of global changes resulting from the combined actions of human society. It is our responsibility to future generations". Innovate to repair the consequences of the ecological debt in the short term, such as cleaning up pollution, recycling waste and restoring biodiversity. 1) Reforestation drones Habitat loss and fragmentation caused by deforestation is a leading cause of biodiversity loss. "The Belize Blue Bond is a world-leading example of how a country can reduce its debt and create more fiscal space to . Innovative solutions to stop biodiversity threats in Libya. For those living in advanced economies, the most effective solution to biodiversity loss is to reduce consumption of meat and dairy produce. At the same time, the loss of these fragile ecosystems has other negative repercussions for communities, threatening pastures, fisheries, fresh water reserves, biodiversity, and wildlife tourism. Innovative approaches are needed to protect wetlands and their waterbird populations, while taking into account the daily needs of the people who . At the same time, business and industry can have major negative impacts on biodiversity resources (see below). Here's why. Innovation for Net-Zero and Nature-Positive Cities #GPSCWebinarSeries11. Rohingya people construct reinforcements to prevent landslides ahead of the monsoon season at a refugee camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, in 2019. Time. Finding the way to tackle such major challenges head on requires innovative solutions, including new finance. encourages member states to strengthen commitments and step up their efforts to prevent the loss of biological diversity and the degradation of land and soil, including through their conservation and sustainable use and appropriate policies and innovative measures such as partnership arrangements, mutually agreed transfer of technology, and … Online. We need to put nature at the heart of urban development. Even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference. All proposals from Yale faculty researchers—advancing innovative solutions for climate change, environmental health, biodiversity loss, and environmental justice—are due Jan. 28, 2022. Related Resources. Together, we collaborate with NGOs, corporations, governments and other academic institutions to design innovative solutions to some of the world's most pressing biodiversity conservation issues. By Dan Wellers, Emily Acton, Michael Rander, Fawn Fitter. We offer invaluable support to our public and private-sector clients, in the form of innovative tools that combine nature-based solutions and technology, to build sustainable strategies that can be deployed in the field. This knowledge will enable us to design the best ways to protect and sustainably restore ecosystems - currently under pressure on several fronts. The Equator Prize recognizes innovative nature-based solutions for local sustainable development that address biodiversity loss and our climate crisis. The Sarayaku were selected by an independent Technical Advisory Committee as one of 10 winning communities from over 600 nominations. The expert group on slow onset events of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage is calling for submissions of new policy-related ideas and solutions under the following three areas:. Individual species are being obliterated by habitat loss and degradation, invasive species, the spread of pollution and disease, climate change and the over exploitation of resources. The UpLink BiodiverCities Challenge is a global call for innovative solutions that enable cities to become nature-positive and fulfil their potential as engines of equitable and sustainable development, resilience and wellbeing. The ecological emergency facing the world has led to calls for social innovation (SI) to support transformations so as to find rapid solutions to the crisis (Leach et al., 2012; Olsson et al., 2017).In 2019, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) published the first major global assessment of current knowledge on . Despite its small territory, Singapore is home to 4% of the world's bird species, signalling clearly how rich urban biodiversity can be. As evidenced in the IPBES report, current conservation efforts have not been sufficient to stem biodiversity loss, so innovative solutions might be necessary to support the web of life that supports human existence. Reduce, reuse and recycle According to the latest IPBES 1 report on biodiversity and ecosystem services, more than 1 million species face extinction, driven by human activity. Biodiversity decline is a major global threat to the future of our planet and our generations. Human activities are straining the ecosystems on which we depend, putting myriad species at risk of extinction. is a key contributor to biodiversity loss and climate change, according to a recent report by the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD), a US non-profit conservation organisation . We're using these same tactics to combat biodiversity loss all over the world - analyzing the unique threats and finding innovative solutions. As the world becomes more urbanized, researchers and city managers from Baltimore to Britain are recognizing the importance of providing urban habitat that can support biodiversity. Research links large industrial farming to biodiversity loss. Speaking at the opening of the annual Governing Council meeting attended by 177 Member States of IFAD, leaders specifically highlighted the vulnerability of small-scale farmers to severe weather events, like the storms that devastated Madagascar . In agriculture, the most important drivers for the loss of biodiversity are land use change, climate change, crop management practices and pollution 2. migration, loss of biodiversity, pollution, natural disasters such as fires and floods among others. In 2012, scientists first described the gene editing capabilities of CRISPR, a molecular tool that can be used to make targeted . We do this by rethinking how we're using natural resources, easing the pressure and allowing . In recent years, conservation has been improved by technology such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), IoT sensors, crowdsourcing, and machine learning. Humans: Both Problem and Solution to Biodiversity Loss As a problem, irresponsible human practices contribute to biodiversity loss As a solution, humans have the knowledge, expertise and financial resources to conserve biodiversity 51. Yet, while the private sector is part of the problem, it is also part of the solution. 52. . We create value by regenerating biodiversity and reducing pollution (industrial and agricultural). Collab 15: Seminar on Innovative Solutions to Address Biofouling in the ASEAN Region The global economic impacts of IAS, including disruption to fisheries, damage to coastal industry and infrastructure, shipping industry, tourism industry and marine ecosystem services, have been estimated at several hundred million dollars per year (IMO).
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