Stage II chronic kidney disease equates to _____ chronic kidney disease. The first listing diagnosis should be gall stones. This term or abbreviation indicates that the code to be located in the Tabular List should be used when a condition is not completely described in the medical record. The placement of an Includes note signifies the section of the code book that the note governs. Codes with three digits are included in ICD-10-CM as the heading of a/an ____________________ of codes. b. A type 2 Excludes note represents "Not Coded Here.". Her husband confirms this. The default for postoperative pain not specified as acute or chronic is the code for the chronic form. Tim was admitted for anemia associated with a malignant carcinoma of the left lung. What are correct dx codes? They are reported for environmental events, industrial accidents, injuries inflicted by criminal activity and so on. If they sell $8137 worth of this camera and the discounted dollar price is an integer, how many cameras did they sell? As x grows large, the number of customers purchasing the product approaches a limit. If the final rectangle measured 20.25 cm by 13.5 cm, what were the dimensions of the rectangle on the original diagram? The peripartum period is defined as the last month of the pregnancy to five months postpartum. CMS updates the ICD-10-CM diagnostic codes each quarter of the year. This would be reported with code _____. Each type 1 turkey costs $10 and yields 5 lb of white meat and 2 lb of dark meat. If the documentation is not clear as to whether acute respiratory failure and another condition are equally responsible for the admission, the acute respiratory failure is always sequenced first. Neutropenic splenomegaly is reported with code, John Zant was seen to determine his HIV status two weeks ago. Renal colic and kidney failure are synonymous terms. What was the Simons' water bill in September? contains the American Hospital Formulary Services list number and its ICD-9-CM equivalent code number, organized in numerical order. What should she do to code the diagnoses? (b) Show that if $n=2^{k}$ or $2^{k} 3^{j},$ with $k$ and $j$ positive integers, then $\phi(n) | n$ . Polly presents to the office today complaining of weakness and feeling tired for the last week. Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes. This instruction signals the coder that an additional code should be used if the information is available to provide a more complete picture of that diagnosis. The See Also notation refers the coder to another location in the Tabular List. What kind of relationship exists between Calculations and Math? Typographic techniques that provide visual guidance for understanding information and help coders to understand rules code are known as _____ in ICD-10-CM. A sequela is the acute illness or injury that has caused a permanent condition. Some conditions may require two codes, one for the etiology and a second for the manifestation. After extensive testing Dr. Jones has determined that Molly has a conduct disorder that is confined to family context. High blood pressure is an example of a symptom. In other words, two conditions that cannot be reported together. The manifestation code may never be used alone or as a principal or first-listed diagnosis (i.e., sequenced first). Typographic technique that provides visual guidance for understanding information. The back pain and cough would both be reported. Aplastic anemia is the failure of bone marrow to produce blood components. When an "excludes2" note appears under a code, it is acceptable to use both the code and the excluded code together. A three-character category that has no further subdivision is equivalent to a code. Infective myositis of the left thigh would be reported with a code for the myositis and a code for the infectious agent, if the agent was known. Which article of the Code pertains to escape and evasion? Jerry Decker is a 90 year old admitted to Sunny Valley Residential Center. the code contains a list of options at a level of specificity past the three character category, in ICD-10-CM a placeholder of ________________ is used as a placeholder at certain 6 character codes to allow for future expansion, nonessential modifiers appear in the alphabetical index, the ICD-10-CM is divided into the ______________, an alphabetical list of terms and their corresponding code, a chronological list of codes divided into chapters based on body system or condition is known as the, the ____________________ for the ICD-10-CM are the general rules for use of the classification independent of the guidelines, the ICD-10-CM tabular contains categories, _______________________ and codes, for reporting purposes only codes are permissible, not categories or subcategories and any applicable _______ character is required, the _____________ abbreviation in the index represents "other specified" when a specific code is not available for a condition and the index directs the coder to the "other specified" code in the tabular, the abbreviation ____________ is the equivalent of unspecified. NEC diagnoses are ordinarily classified to the final digit "8. The Supreme Court recently ruled that a police department in Florida did not violate any rights of privacy when a police helicopter flew over the backyard of a suspected drug dealer and noticed marijuana growing on his property. For birth admissions, when an infant is born with a congenital anomaly, the code for the congenital anomaly is sequenced first. Which is true about the CPT code descriptions? Square brackets are used in the ICD-9-CM tabular lists to enclose abbreviations, synonyms, alternative wording, or explanatory phrases. ICD-10-CM uses the letter "x" as a placeholder character at certain codes to allow for future expansion. Check compliance with any Official Guidelines and list codes in appropriate order. After extensive testing, gallbladder disease and gall stones have been ruled out. Name the final step in assigning accurate diagnosis codes. Secondary codes should be assigned on perinatal records when a condition prolongs the length of stay or requires resource utilization. Use of multiple drugs is known as polysubstance drug use. She is being referred for psychological assessment. Each is expressed in the form of two alternatives. However, a patient may have both conditions at the same time. Most of the following selections were taken from letters-to-the-editor columns of news papers and magazines. The SEE ALSO: note refers the coder to another location in the Index when the initial listing does not contain all the necessary information to accurately select a code. When a patient is admitted for the purpose of chemotherapy and develops nausea and vomiting, the principal diagnosis is nausea and vomiting. For code G89.2, chronic pain, to be reported the patient has to have experienced the pain for over seven months. The MI is the principal in this scenario. When the term ________ is used in a narrative statement it represents and/or. The two types of turkey used to manufacture the cutlets are purchased from the GobbleGobble Turkey Farm. It should not be coded as confirmed; this condition is an exception to the general guideline for "possible," "probable" conditions. A colon is used after an incomplete term or phrase in the ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM/PCS indexes and tabular lists after an incomplete term that needs one or more modifiers following the colon to make it assignable to a given category. c. A Type 4 candy bar is under consideration. A code from Z38 is assigned only once to the newborn at the time of birth. Diagnoses documented as probable, suspected or questionable are _____. Congenital pneumonia due to group B streptococcus is reported with code(s). The current reference must always be in use for the date of service of the encounter being coded. Supplementary word or phrase that helps define a code in ICD-10-CM. Nonessential modifiers appears in the Alphabetical Index: The SEE: notes in the Tabular instruct coders to view additional sections of the Tabular. This abbreviation means that no code matches the a exact situation. Medical documentation needs to be reviewed prior to code assignment. Complex Analysis: A First Course with Applications, The Heart of Mathematics: An Invitation to Effective Thinking. Not otherwise specified, means unspecified. That is, each level of subdivision after a category is a subcategory. Category L60 reports hives which is also known as urticaria. This schedule of reinforcement initially produces modest rates of responding which rapidly increase immediately preceding the delivery of the reinforcer. Does the current basis remain optimal? _______ are used to report encounters for circumstances other than a disease or injury in ICD-10-CM. If a newborn has a condition that may be due either to the birth process or community acquired, and the documentation does not indicate which it is, the default is the community acquired and a code from Chapter 16 is not used. A discount store sells a camera at a price less than its usual retail price of $99 but more than$1. When a patient is admitted for the administration of radiation therapy, code Z51.0 should be the principal diagnosis. Index term that is located immediately below the main term, not in alphabetical order. Signs and symptoms that are associated routinely with a disease process are coded as additional diagnosis if the signs and symptoms are recorded in the patient's record. Codes that have applicable 7th characters are still referred to as codes, not subcategories. Irritable bowel syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea are reported with the same code. A diagram of a rectangle was enlarged and then the image was enlarged again at the same setting. When initially using ICD-10-CM, coders may have to query providers for more specific information when selecting codes. It can be anticipated that many, many changes will be made during its first years of use following October 1, 2014. Boxed notes follow certain main terms in the ICD-9-CM indexes and define terms, provide coding instruction, and list fifth-digit subclassifications for those categories that use the same fifth digits. The clinical assessment is spasm of the sphincter of Oddi." For every code where ICD-10-CM provides codes for laterality, bilateral is listened as an option. b. Certain infectious and parasitic diseases. She is also taking Prinivil, Lasix and Lanoxin for her atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure. Category O12 reports gestational edema and proteinuria with hypertension. Recurrent acute iridocyclitis of the left eye is reported with code H21.0. This instruction is used when two conditions cannot occur together, and therefore both codes cannot be used together. in some cases, a(n) combination code describing both the etiology and the manifestation is available instead of two codes. The following arguments were abstracted from newspaper articles, editorials, and letters to the editor. [Hint: Assume that $n$ has the prime factorization $n=p_{1}^{k_{1}} p_{2}^{k_{2}} \ldots p_{r}^{k_{r}},$ where $k_{1} \geq 2$ Then $p_{1} | \phi(n),$ whence $p_{1} | n-1,$ which leads to a contradiction.] There are 21 chapters in the ICD-10-CM Tabular List. Subcategories are either 4 or 5 characters. He is returning today to be informed of his HIV test results. Examination of her extremities and imaging indicate deep-vein thrombosis. Signs and symptoms that are associated routinely with a disease process should not be assigned as additional codes. $$ both and sequence the acute (subacute) first. What does the term "severe sepsis" refer to? Identify any fallacies that may be committed, giving a brief explanation for your answer. A postpartum complication is any complication occurring during delivery. Assessment: eating disorder. But anything could have been in that backyarda load of cocaine, an illegal stockpile of weapons, or other major threats to society. The Tabular List of Diseases and Injuries is most commonly referred to as the ____________________. This would be reported with code, To report the diagnoses of pneumonia due to Pneumocystis carinii a coder would select. Show that the sum of the squares of any five consecutive integers is divisible by 5. One way to find the classes needed for an object-oriented program is to identify all the verbs in a description of the problem domain. When comparing ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM, ICD-10-CM has fewer codes for reporting diseases and injuries. The EXCLUDES notes give examples of the content of a section of the code book. Heredity cerebellar disease is reported with code G11.4. Factors influencing health status and contact with health services. Dr. Smith records probable gall stones in her record. Anemia is marked by an increase in the white blood cells. Admission or encounter for aftercare management. Hyperparathyroidism occurs when there is an undersecretion of thyroid hormones. When "other and other specified" appear in a code description, the codes are assigned when a patient record documentation provides detail for which a specific code does not exist in ICD-9-CM or ICD-10-CM. The code(s) are this case is/are. the GI consult found a past history of a chronic bleeding ulcer in the atrum of the stomach. both and sequence the acute (subacute) first, Discharge Summary: "This 29-year-old delivered a 7-pound infant boy on 4/15/XX. the code contains a list of options at a level of specificity past the three character category. Additional term included after the colon in the ICD-9-CM tabular lists that is to be included in the statement to classify a condition or procedure. The ICD-10-CM updates released by the National Center for Health Statistics are called_______. The excessive and chronic production of cortisol by the adrenal cortex or by the administration of glucocorticoids in large doses for a period of several weeks or longer can cause _____. Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period, Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities, Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified. The postpartum period begins from the time of conception until the delivery of the fetus. An "excludes1" note means "not coded here." Which of the following is FALSE in regard to Von Willebrand's disease? After testing Dr. Smith concluded that she has symptomatic premature menopause. Lumbago and low back pain are reported with the same code. A Type 4 candy bar yields a 100 profit and uses 2 oz of sugar and 1 oz of chocolate. (b) 2173 Suppose it is known from previous data that the standard deviation of time spent is 0.8. The organization that coordinates the modifications of the ICD-10-CM disease classifications is ___________. A psychologist has data for 100 randomly selected students and wishes to test whether the average time (among all college students) spend on social media exceeds 1.6 hours per day. What was the least number of coins that could have been stolen? (a) 1241 Diagrams will suffice. The simple idea of sacrificing a right to serve a greater good should be allowed in certain cases. Section IV of the ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting outlines guidelines for ____________________ coding and reporting. The abbreviation NEC is used only in the Alphabetic Index. AHIMA was awarded the contract. A synonymous term for nephropathy is _____. Suppose that the Calculations class uses the static methods of the Math class but never instantiates a Math object. The code(s) for the final diagnoses is. If a Type 1 candy bar used 0.5 oz of sugar and 0.75 oz of chocolate, would the current basis remain optimal? c. Show that the sales response from a dollar of advertising is proportional to the number of potential customers who are not purchasing the product at present. defines and or gives examples of the content of a particular category. Right forearm interstitial myositis is reported with code, Ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysm is reported with code Answer. The ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM indexes includes tables, which organize subterms, 2nd qualifiers, and 3rd qualifiers and their codes in columns and rows to make it easier to select the proper code. The H&P reports an admission diagnosis of vascular dementia with violent behavior. What's the probability you have something else? Codes from chapter 18 are assigned as secondary codes under which of the following circumstances? Use the method presented in this section to construct argument patterns. ICD-10-CM classifies chronic kidney disease based on severity. Finally, incorporate your reasons into a written argument of at least 100 words that supports the conclusion. Code principal diagnosis and all secondary diagnoses. \begin{matrix} \text{ } & \text{Inputs} & \text{ } & \text{ } & \text{Outputs}\\ \text{Bank} & \text{1} & \text{2} & \text{3} & \text{1} & \text{2} & \text{3}\\ \text{1} & \text{15} & \text{20} & \text{50} & \text{200} & \text{15} & \text{35}\\ \text{2} & \text{14} & \text{23} & \text{51} & \text{220} & \text{18} & \text{45}\\ \text{3} & \text{16} & \text{19} & \text{51} & \text{210} & \text{17} & \text{20}\\ \end{matrix} Because Cathy was about to have triplets, her husband Don was very interested in any baby-related products. Many people, including groups like the Anti-Common Logic Union, felt that the suspects right to privacy outweighed the police departments need to protect the public at large. True/False: In the inpatient setting, it is appropriate to code unconfirmed cases of HIV infection/illness. Which of these are used for outpatient billing by CMS? He received treatment for the anemia at this time. (a) If $\phi(n) | n-1,$ prove that $n$ is a square-free integer. A positive integer $n$ is called square-full, or powerful, if $p^{2} | n$ for every prime factor $p$ of $n$ (there are 992 square-full numbers less than $250,000 ) .$ If $n$ is square-full, show that it can be written in the form $n=a^{2} b^{3},$ with $a$ and $b$ positive integers. If the same condition is described as both acute (subacute) and chronic, and separate subentries exist in the Index at the same indentation level, code_____. Characteristic sign or symptom associated with a disease. This case would be reported with diagnosis code(s), Bilateral conjunctival adhesions and strands are reported with code. Classification of Industrial Accidents According to Agency (Appendix D), is based on employment injury statistics adopted by the tenth international conference of labor statistics. If a statement is redundant or plays no role in the argument, do not include it in the pattern. Word that identifies a disease or condition in the Alphabetic Index. Edward reported to the ER with chest pain. ICD-10-CM codes have an alphanumeric structure, with all codes starting with an alphabetic character. New codes must be used as of the date they go into effect, and invalid (deleted) codes must NOT be used. a. The major new, invalid, and revised codes are posted on the appropriate websites, such as the NCHS and CMS websites. If a Type 1 candy bar used 0.5 oz of sugar and 0.75 oz of chocolate, would the current basis remain optimal? The organization that coordinates the modifications of the ICD-10-CM disease classifications is ___________. False - it means not elsewhere classifiable. True/False: Code only a confirmed diagnosis of Zika virus (A92.5, Zika virus disease) as documented by the provider. True/False: Codes for symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions from chapter 18 of ICD-10-CM cannot be used as principal diagnoses or reasons for outpatient encounters when related diagnoses have been established. True/False: The aftercare Z codes should be used to report aftercare for injuries. The instructional notes in the Tabular take precedence over the instructional notes in the Index. Vaginal cephalic delivery of a full term infant occurred at 1:23 am. Acute viral tracheitis is reported with code J12.2. What is the letter E used to identify? If renal failure is confirmed as being acute, codes from the N20 category are used. A three-character code is to be used only if it is not further subdivided. An "excludes2" note instructs the user that the condition excluded is not part of the condition represented by the code. Thes term or abbreviation indicates that the code to be located in the Tabular List should be used when a condition is not completely described in the medical record. Suppose the post office had 25 full-time employees and was not allowed to hire or fire any employees Formulate an LP that could be used to schedule the employees in order to maximize the number of weekend days off received by the employees. The common name for varicella is chickenpox. She was started on meds but refused an EGD. A 54 year old woman is being treated for an acute non-ST anterior wall myocardial infarction and atrial fibrillation. When selecting a code for the diagnostic statement "trochanteric bursitis of the right hip" the main term to reference is trochanteric. The EXCLUDES 2 note represents all of the following except _____. Andrew could go on ___ rides. Cutlet 1 sells for $4/lb and must consist of at least 70% white meat. A platelet plug is formed by the body to stop bleeding when the skin is cut. Section I of the ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting provides guidelines only for outpatient services. General physical deterioration is reported with code, Acquired left clawhand is reported with code, The initial care for an injury of the 5th cranial nerve is reported with code. Office Note: "Sally has been experiencing right upper quadrant pain for the last three months. Various commercial publishers include the updated codes in annual coding books that are printed soon after the updates are released. Boxed notes are not used in ICD-10-CM or ICD-10-PCS. are assigned for patient encounters when circumstances other than a disease or injury is present. How should an unconfirmed diagnosis of HIV infection be coded?

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