As you already know, we are recommending up to 10 journals to be indexed for free in ScienceOpen every month. This journal is an e-journal having full access to the research and review papers. Articles must be original (not duplications). Some journals say they are indexed in DOAJ but they are not Divya R. List of Free Open Access Journals – 2021: MEDICAL Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing Some journal web sites state that the journal is indexed DOAJ when it is not. Physics is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal which presents latest researches on all aspects of physics.It publishes original research articles, review articles, communications with no restriction on the length of the papers. Fast Publication Journal | E Publication Services International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences ... - IJDMSR … Photoacoustics - Journal - Elsevier u000f Science and Technology Innovation Herald (1674–098 X). Index Copernicus (ICV 2020: 100, ICV 2019: 100/ ICV 2018: 99.71/ ICV 2017: 99.46 / ICV 2016: 96.95 / ICV 2015: 86.35) - Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis - ISSN 2095-1779 - Elsevier find free-to-publish journals About. Viruses Manuscripts with the highest priority can be placed on this option are published online in one week. Machines Colloids and Interfaces Colloids and Interfaces is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on colloids and interfaces chemistry. About - International Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJMPS) ISSN (Print) : 2250-0049. 2586-9981 (Print) / 2630-0559 (Online) Website. You should consider the speed of progress of the article. Review Time: Normal Publication may take up to 8 weeks however rapid review may take only 5-7 days. Open access journals. Colloids and Interfaces is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on colloids and interfaces chemistry. Basket of Deplorables. ; High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), CAPlus / SciFinder, Inspec, and other databases. The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. ... Nursing/Academic Edition Database providing scholarly articles for nearly 550 scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Informatics is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on information and communication technologies, human–computer interaction, and social informatics, and is published quarterly online by MDPI.. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. Processes Can you recommend paid medical journals that offer fast … Open Health Data features peer-reviewed data papers describing moderated or open access health datasets with high reuse potential. Dubai Medical Journal – DOAJ The ‘gold’ route to OA is via OA journals. Elsevier's Scopus is the world's largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed scientific journals, books and conference proceedings which covers research topics across all scientific, technical and medical disciplines. Indexing of a journal is considered as a reflection of its quality. We are happy to announce the winners of April: Desert, published by the University of Teheran. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development. ESMO Open - Journal - Elsevier Healthcare is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal on health care systems, industry, technology, policy, and regulation, and is published monthly online by MDPI. Open Health Data Types of paper Contributions falling into the following categories will be considered for publication: [example: Original article, reviews, short communication].. Further, we will also know how to check journal indexing. Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ The DOAJ “best practices” include: All of the above DOAJ best practices are not required for general DOAJ indexing, but they are necessary for journals that wish to be eligible for the DOAJ Seal. That indicator of superior journal quality is awarded to around 10% of journals indexed in DOAJ. Journal of Health Science and Medical Research (JHSMR) … We are working with a number of specialist and institutional data repositories to ensure that the associated data are professionally archived, preserved, and available either through moderated or open access. Look up the journal’s: Aims & scope. Since it was launched in 2003, the DOAJ has indexed over 15,000 OA journals in its community-curated database. The index is open to OA journals in all subject areas and all languages, and includes a wide variety of publications in STEM, the humanities, and the social sciences. Claire Creaser, in Libraries and Society, 2011. Scopus journal list 2021-2022 includes general, agricultural, biological, arts, humanities, biochemistry, genetics, and more journals. Materials Anyone knows any Rapid publishing PubMed/Medline/PMC … on Coatings Databases: A-Z List Elsevier's Scopus is the world's largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed scientific journals, books and conference proceedings which covers research topics across all scientific, technical and medical disciplines. University of Utah only Photoacoustics - Journal - Elsevier JMSR Robotics is a peer-reviewed, international journal presenting state-of-the-art research in the area of robotics, and is published bimonthly online by MDPI.The IFToMM is affiliated with Robotics and its members receive a discount on the article processing charges.. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. You can try these journals: University of Utah only VIEW ESMO Open is the European Society for Medical Oncology's online-only, peer-reviewed open access journal, dedicated to publishing high-quality medical research and educational content from all disciplines of oncology, with a focus on innovative clinical and translational cancer research.. Review speed, editorial speed, acceptance rate, impact factor, etc. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Robotics; Computer Systems and Architecture ; Computer Vision, Speech and Pattern Recognition Physics This journal publishes articles in ecology, climate change, drought, and desert. Double blind peer review. Indian journal of psychiatry, indian journal of community medicine, indian journal of psychological medicine, OJHAS, Journal of Mental Health, Asia... We present herein an emission Mössbauer spectroscopy (eMS) study of the electric-field gradient (EFG) anisotropy in crystalline free-standing α-MoO3 samples. Journal h-index : 18; Average acceptance to publication time (5-7 days) Average article processing time (30 - 45 days) Less than 5 volumes 30 days 8 - 9 volumes 40 days 10 … ; High Visibility: indexed within … Microorganisms is a scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal of microbiology, published monthly online by MDPI.The Hellenic Society Mikrobiokosmos (MBK), the Spanish Society for Nitrogen Fixation (SEFIN) and the Society for Microbial Ecology and Disease (SOMED) are affiliated with the Microorganisms, and their members receive a discount on the article processing charges. Array is an international open access multidisciplinary journal encompassing a broad spectrum of topics in computer science, including. The on-line first publication is also a great advantage and facility to review one's own articles before going to print. An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. IJARIIT is indexed in more than 15 esteemed online directories followed by Google Scholars, Cosmos, DOAJ, DRJI and many more. Secondary actions. Journals find free-to-publish journals Why Choose Us International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research is online open access journal. Although α-MoO3 is a two-dimensional (2D) material, scanning electron microscopy shows that the crystals … Newly Indexed in DOAJ - Announcements - Human Microbiome … I think the simplest way is to check The Directory of Open Access Journals. Indexing Databases ; High Visibility: indexed within … 1970 to present. The list of journals removed starts from the… Myth-busting: Journals must meet the DOAJ Seal criteria to be … All U.S. state pharmacy journals are indexed as well as most publications on cosmetics. Healthcare Molecular Biology and Evolution also has a “Fast Track” option for faster journal publication. JournalTitle: Advanced powder technology : the international journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan. There is a waiver policy for these charges. The journal is indexed with, or included in, the following: DOAJ, PubMed Central, SCOPUS. Dental Research Journal - Free full text articles from the Dental ... Pharmaceutics is a peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science and technology of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics, and is published monthly online by MDPI. Viruses Why index your journal in DOAJ? Microbial Cell The aim of the open access Photoacoustics journal (PACS) is to publish original research and review contributions within the fast-growing field of photoacoustics-optoacoustics-thermoacoustics, which exploits acoustical and ultrasonic phenomena excited by electromagnetic radiation for purposes of detection, visualization, and characterization of a variety of materials and biological … You have to type the DOAJ or SCOPUS Journal list on search engine and find out medicine journal on it. It will give a list. Searching low APC is a... Produced by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists(ASHP,) coverage includes clinical and technical drug information, pharmacy practice, pharmaceutical education, and legal aspects of pharmacy and drugs. The Directory of Open Access Journals. Physics Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ) Scholarly articles from over 1450 journals covering all subjects. Reputable journals are indexed by various journal indexing databases. How to Get Your Journal Articles Indexed in DOAJ: The Go-To … Alternatively you can run a search and limit by the journal subset filters. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the scientific fundamentals and engineering methodologies of manufacturing and materials processing published bimonthly online by MDPI.. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. The on-line first publication is also a great advantage and facility to review one's own articles before going to print. ; High Visibility: indexed within … This journal is published by Nepal Medical Association. IsoAbbr: Adv Powder Technol. Authors contributing to special issues should ensure that they select the special issue article type from this list. ISSN: 2534-9821. International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports (Int J Med Rev Case Rep) is a semi-monthly (24 issues per year), an international, single-blinded peer-review journal committed to promoting the highest standards of scientific exchange and education. MedAbbr: Adv Powder Technol. Medical I agree with Abhijit's suggestions. In addition, you can try the NMJI which also publishes relevant ME articles. → Why index your journal in … JCDR Microorganisms ... and only includes journals indexed in Scopus and/or Web of … List of All Journals Cited in PubMed Human Microbiome Journal was newly indexed in the world largest open-access database-DOAJ (the Directory of Open Access Journals). Processes is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on processes in chemistry, biology, materials, energy, environment, food, pharmaceutical, manufacturing and allied engineering fields published monthly online by MDPI.The Systems and Control Division of the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (CSChE S&C Division) and the Brazilian Association of Chemical … Articles must be original (not duplications). There are an increasing number of OA journals available – the Directory of Open Access Journals 7 lists more than 4,500 worldwide. VIEW

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